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Memeswap tokens have several built-in functions to ensure perfect launches for your meme project.
Buyback mechanism allows for deployers to decide what kind of taxing they desire for their Memeswap token. There are 2 modes;
Buyback and burn
burns earned taxes on the spot shooting the token price high, while Buyback and LP
accumulates LP on the token contract, essentially hardening the liquidity of the pool.
Dynamic swap frequency filter:
At the pool launch, every individual address can only swap every 30 seconds. This blocks multiple swaps and hoarding behavour. Time needed between swaps gradually fall off to zero 24 hours after the launch.
Dynamic swap amount filter:
At the pool launch, each swap is maxed on 1/1000 of total supply. This limit falls off by 1 token each second passed.
Pool protection:
Initial liquidity for pools including Memeswap tokens can only be created by the owner of the token contract. This protection makes sure that price is set by the deployer.
Initial lock:
Upon achieving Valhalla, all remaining LP gets locked into a fresh clone of HoneyLocker. In the scenario of LP getting whitelisted for emissions, HoneyLocker allows for staking locked LP into gauges for rewards.
Subsequent locks:
If tax mode preferred is Buyback and LP, LP tokens accumulate on the token contract. In case of getting whitelisted, Memeswap will set token owner as the HoneyLocker operator. This allows for a special function to be called by the deployer to lock accumulated LP into HoneyLocker.
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Please see Interpol documentation
for further information.